Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage?
Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage? Local Communities and the Fight for Historical Monuments in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 6 November.
We invite you to participate in the doctoral conference focused on communitie. Communities of various common denominators participated throughout ages in the conception and perception of artworks as authors, sponsors, and audiences. Our aim is to reflect on the circumstances that condition the creation of an artwork as a result of broader interactionsand complex relationships, and conversely on the contributions of the artwork to the formation of societies.
Application deadline 12 November.
PhD Conference of Art Historians, MUNI – Fall 2023: Community
12 December 2023, Hans Belting Library, Veveří 28, Brno
Call for Papers
A community is a group of individuals living in a particular area or sharing common interests and values, while fostering social connections and mutual support within a defined conceptual boundary. Communities of various common denominators participated throughout ages in the conception and perception of artworks as authors, sponsors, and audiences. Fine arts play a pivotal role as a means of expression, transmission, and reinforcement of the values shared by the whole community or some of its members/adherents. The authorship itself can be thought of as a collective creative state shaped by the circumstances and communities behind the creator. Through community engagement in fine arts, individuals can find common ground, celebrate a diversity, and contribute to the enrichment and cohesion of society, but they also can reinforce exclusivity leading to the community’s isolation. Our aim is to reflect on the circumstances that condition the creation of an artwork as a result of broader interactions and complex relationships, and conversely on the contributions of the artwork to the formation of societies.
This conference invites to reflect on questions including but not limited to:
Application deadline 12 November.
Please send an abstract and a short academic bio to Petr Janáč at by 3 December 2023.
Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage? Local Communities and the Fight for Historical Monuments in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 6 November.
We cordially invite you to the spring lecture series SMArt Talks, organised by the Centre for Modern Art & Theory. SMArt Talks: Myths of Modernism start on the 27th of February!