We will meet on 28 September at 7 pm as usual at the Hans Belting Library. However, if you are going on a public holiday, don't despair! The live stream will be available online, so you can join in from the comfort of your home or even from your mountain cabin.
The story of the cult of relics is often the story of extraordinary and radical characters. But in order for their fame to spread as far as possible, it needed to be communicated very well. Beyond the narrative of heroic deeds, this was done primarily through the conception and realization of reliquaries, whose purpose was to make a thing beautiful to behold out of the decaying bodies. That this operation was successful is evidenced by the enormous success of the cult of relics throughout the centuries of the Middle Ages. But is the veneration of relics really as far removed from our world as it first appears?
The lecture will be held in Czech only.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/live/5KYOQMzW1rc?si=F6FGy9MKP32kTIK8
https://www.earlymedievalstudies.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stredovec.jinax
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/centre_early/
We look forward to seeing you there!