Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage?
Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage? Local Communities and the Fight for Historical Monuments in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 6 November.
We would like to invite you to the international workshop “In and Outside Venice. Circulation of Objects, Texts, Languages, techniques, and Cultures (13th–15th Centuries)“
that will take place within the frame of the GAČR project of dr. Ilaria Molteni. The aim of the workshop is to explore how objects, texts, languages, techniques, and cultures from Venice spread to the major centres of the medieval West and East and to discuss the ways in which Venetian commercial intelligence and technical savoir-faire were put at the service of designs of cultural domination and political dominance.
Call for Papers: Who Owns Heritage? Local Communities and the Fight for Historical Monuments in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 6 November.
We cordially invite you to the spring lecture series SMArt Talks, organised by the Centre for Modern Art & Theory. SMArt Talks: Myths of Modernism start on the 27th of February!