SMArt Talks: Myths of Modernism
We cordially invite you to the spring lecture series SMArt Talks, organised by the Centre for Modern Art & Theory. SMArt Talks: Myths of Modernism start on the 27th of February!
The members of the Centre for Early Medieval Studies at the Department of Art History would like to cordially invite you to the public lecture of Seraina Renz Medieval Pastiches in Central European Modernism. The Cases of Alfons Mucha and Ivan Meštrović. The lecture is part of the spring cycle of StředověC JinaX series.
The lecture will be held in English and take place in the Hans Belting library on May 23, 2024 from 7 p.m.. Video recording of the lecture will be accessible later on our YouTube profile (here).
We cordially invite you to the spring lecture series SMArt Talks, organised by the Centre for Modern Art & Theory. SMArt Talks: Myths of Modernism start on the 27th of February!
We cordially invite you to the first SMArt Talks lecture of the spring semester 2025, organised by the Centre for Modern Art & Theory. The lecture will take place on Thursday, the 27th of February 2024, in the Hans Belting Library at 18:00. Our first spring lecturer is Konstantin Akinsha, an independent art historian, curator, and journalist specialising in art originating from the area of present-day Russia and Ukraine.